HEALING CIRCLES are practiced in a few different ways.
We practice the following:
Community Healing Circles take place with Reiki practitioners gifting their healing techniques with everyone who sits in our circle and to those that are listed in our ‘share book’.
Village Drumming Circles are for sharing healing messages as well. Participants with hand drums and rattles / shakers share their techniques with those that are present in our ‘healing basket’.
Both types of ‘Circles’ are world wide effective and community inspired!
Both types of ‘Circles’ are originated with love and compassion!
Both types of ‘Circles’ are organized to fit the participants’ requests, with guidance from our Spirit Helpers!
Please ‘Contact Us’ to receive information on the next session.
If you would like to host a HEALING CIRCLE in your home or community we are more than happy to assist.
More information and details of these circles are readily available to you by ‘Contacting Us’ … thank you!
With Love and Light…